M. Sc. Damian Hofmann

PhD Student
Email: damian(dot)hofmann(at)mpsd.mpg.de
Tel.: +49 (0)40 8998-88351

Research Interests

  • Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in condensed matter systems
  • Variational quantum states for many-body systems
  • Machine learning methods and neural quantum states
  • Core contributor to the NetKet project

Short Bio

  • December 2018–today:
    PhD student in Physics at MPSD and University of Hamburg.
    Topic: Machine learning methods for time-dependent many-body systems.
    Primary supervisor: Michael Sentef. Co-supervisors: Angel Rubio and Nina Rohringer.
    Collaborations with Giuseppe Carleo (EPFL), Johan Mentink (Radboud University), Martin Claassen (University of Pennsylvania).
  • April 2016–November 2018:
    M.Sc. Physics from the University of Hamburg.
    Master project and thesis on Laser Control of Topological Polaritons at MPSD, supervised by Michael Sentef and Angel Rubio.
  • April 2016:
    B.Sc. Computing in Science – Physics from the University of Hamburg.
    Bachelor thesis on Simulation of Driven Cuprate Superconductors in Ultra-Cold Atom Systems in the Group of Prof. Ludwig Mathey.