
Here you find slides and abstracts of presentations given by group members.

  • Michael is co-organizer of the KITP Workshop “Quantum optics of correlated electrons” and the KITP conference “Harnessing Quantum-optical Techniques in Solid-state Materials” with Mohammad Hafezi, Martin Claassen and Susanne Yelin (01/2025)
  • Michael organized a Mini-Colloquium “Nonequilibrium dynamics and control of quantum materials” with Elsa Abreu and Dante Kennes at CMD31 in Braga, Portugal (09/2024)
  • Michael organized a symposium at the DPG Spring Meeting 2023 (with Martin Eckstein)
  • Michael organized a set of Focus Sessions at the APS March Meeting 2023 (with Jon Curtis, Margherita Maiuri, Matteo Mitrano)
  • Michael organized a very successful MPI-PKS Workshop Dynamical Control of Quantum Materials in May 2023 (with Dante Kennes, James McIver)
  • Michael co-organized the VSF Floquet Summer School in September 2023 (with Babak Seradjeh, Luis E. F. Foà Torres), recorded lectures are on YouTube
  1. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, LCLS User Meeting, Stanford, 09/2024)
  2. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, IMPACT, Cargese, 08/2024)
  3. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, SPIE Optics, San Diego, 08/2024)
  4. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, LANL Los Alamos, 08/2024)
  5. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, CCMP2024, IOP Liyang, 08/2024)
  6. Michael A. Sentef, Light, Matter and Entanglement in Quantum Materials (invited talk, PIPT8, Nijmegen, 06/2024)
  7. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, OWTNM 2024, Kiel, 05/2024)
  8. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Würzburg, 05/2024)
  9. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, MRS Spring Meeting, Seattle, 04/2024)
  10. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, QuCoLiMa School of Physics, Erlangen, 04/2024)
  11. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter interactions and Floquet engineering (invited lectures, QuCoLiMa School of Physics, Erlangen, 04/2024)
  12. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, 03/2024)
  13. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Physics Seminar, Cardiff, 02/2024)
  14. Michael A. Sentef, Cavity light-matter entanglement through quantum fluctuations (invited talk, GRC Progress in Understanding and Controlling the Ultrafast Dynamics in Quantum Materials, Lucca, 02/2024)
  1. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, NQW Krvavec, 12/2023)
  2. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Northeastern Quantum Matter Seminar, online, 11/2023)
  3. Michael A. Sentef, The alchemy of light (and of the void) — new ways to control quantum materials (Antrittsvorlesung, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Bremen, 10/2023)
  4. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited lecture, ct.qmat Second Fall School „Topological Quantum Matter“, Leipzig, 09/2023)
  5. Michael A. Sentef, What does quantum materials research have to do with quantum computing? (invited talk, 1. Bremer Quantentag, Bremen, 09/2023)
  6. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, FHI Berlin, 08/2023)
  7. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, KAST 7th InterAcademy Workshop, Ascona, 08/2023)
  8. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Kiel, 06/2023)
  9. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Oldenburg, 06/2023)
  10. Michael A. Sentef, Direct optical probe of magnon topology in 2D Quantum Magnets (contributed talk, DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, 03/2023)
  11. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, 03/2023)
  1. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials (invited talk, Physics Seminar, Göttingen, 11/2022)
  2. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials (invited talk, Solid State Physics Retreat Uni Bremen, Riezlern, 10/2022)
  3. Michael A. Sentef, Direct optical probe of magnon topology in two-dimensional quantum magnets (invited talk, ICTS Targeted Questions Workshop, online, 09/2022)
  4. Michael A. Sentef, How to make a room-temperature superconductor with light (postdeadline talk, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, 09/2022)
  5. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials (invited talk, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, 09/2022)
  6. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials (invited talk, QLCM Dresden, 08/2022)
  7. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials (invited talk, NEQMBS Dresden, 08/2022)
  8. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter engineering of topology in quantum materials (invited lecture, QDev Summer School, Copenhagen, 07/2022)
  9. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials (invited talk, UDM Crete, 06/2022)
  10. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials (invited talk, UMD12, Benasque, 05/2022)
  11. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials (invited talk, Seminar RIKEN, online, 04/2022)
  12. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter engineering of topology in quantum materials (invited lectures, School “Topological Quantum Matter: theory and applications”, Santa Margherita Ligure, 04/2022)
  13. Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials, seminar, TU Munich (via Zoom), (February 2022)
  1. Michael A. Sentef, Cavity quantum materials from exactly solvable models to designer quantum matter, invited talk, Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability Workshop, Georgetown (via Zoom), (November 2021)
  2. Michael A. Sentef, Cavity quantum materials, Seminar at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland (September 2021)
  3. Michael A. Sentef, Cavity quantum materials, TU Dortmund Kolloquium (June 2021)
  4. Damian Hofmann, Challenges for simulating quantum spin dynamics in two dimensions by neural network quantum states, slides, SPICE Workshop Dissipative Phases of Entangled Quantum Matter (May 2021)
  5. Mona Kalthoff, Dynamical phase transition in an optically driven 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet, slides, SPICE Workshop Dissipative Phases of Entangled Quantum Matter (May 2021)
  6. Michael A. Sentef, Cavity quantum materials, slides, Long Range Colloquium, Virtual Science Forum (April 2021)
  7. Damian Hofmann, Challenges for simulating quantum spin dynamics in two dimensions by neural network quantum states, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
  8. Mona Kalthoff, Dynamical phase transition in an optically driven 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
  9. Tao Yu, Optical Manipulation of Domains in Chiral Topological Superconductors, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
  10. Christian Eckhardt, Parquet approach – the most fundamental diagrammatic method?, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
  11. Michael Sentef, Quantum to classical crossover of Floquet engineering in correlated quantum systems, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
  12. M. A. Sentef, Engineering emergent states in quantum materials with classical and quantum light (invited talk, pdf),
    DPG Surface Science Meeting (March 2021)
  13. M. A. Sentef, Light-induced superconductivity via dynamical Hubbard U (invited talk, pdf),
    SynthQMat Workshop Bremen (February 2021)
  14. M. A. Sentef, Light-induced states of matter from Floquet engineering to cavity materials (pdf),
    International Ultrafast Knowledge Coffee House, Hrvoje Petek Group, Pittsburgh (February 2021)
  15. M. A. Sentef, Light-induced superconductivity via dynamical Hubbard U (pdf),
    MPQ Group Seminar Immanuel Bloch group (January 2021)
  1. M. Kalthoff, Nonthermal interacting-magnon dynamics in an optically driven 2D Heisenberg
    antiferromagnet (abstract),
    CMD2020GEFES (September 2020)
  2. V. Rokaj, 2D Materials in Strong Magnetic Fields: Hofstadter physics from first-principles (abstract),
    CMD2020GEFES (September 2020)
  3. M. A. Sentef, Light-induced states of matter from Floquet engineering to cavity materials (invited talk, pdf),
    1st PSI Condensed Matter Summer Camp (August 2020)
  4. D. Hofmann, Unitary quantum dynamics in driven spin systems with neural-network quantum states,
    Machine Learning for Quantum Simulation: Virtual Conference (June 2020)
  5. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited seminar talk, pdf),
    MPIPKS Dresden (February 2020)
  6. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited seminar talk, pdf),
    University of Nijmegen (February 2020)
  7. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited seminar talk, pdf),
    Aarhus University (January 2020)
  1. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium materials science with a twist (theory colloquium, pdf),
    DESY/Uni Hamburg Joint Theory Colloquium, Hamburg (October 2019)
  2. G. E. Topp, Topological Floquet engineering of twisted bilayer graphene (pdf),
    ParisEdge 2019, Paris (September 2019)
  3. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited talk, pdf),
    ParisEdge 2019, Paris (September 2019)
  4. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited talk, pdf),
    CORPES workshop, Oxford (July 2019)
  5. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (seminar, pdf),
    TCM Cambridge (June 2019)
  6. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering: Time-dependent U and beyond (invited talk, pdf),
    CECAM workshop “What about U in nanoscale systems?”, Zaragoza (May 2019)
  7. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited talk, pdf),
    Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability (UDM) and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics (UBP) workshop, Georgetown (April 2019)
  8. M. A. Sentef, Cavity-enhanced electron-phonon coupling in monolayer FeSe/STO (contributed talk, pdf),
    DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg (April 2019)
  9. R. Tuovinen, Ultrafast many-body correlations in an excitonic insulator out of equilibrium (contributed talk, pdf),
    APS March Meeting, Boston (March 2019)
  10. M. A. Sentef, Cavity-enhanced electron-phonon coupling in monolayer FeSe/STO (contributed talk, pdf),
    APS March Meeting, Boston (March 2019)
  11. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (seminar, pdf),
    FMQ Stuttgart (January 2019)
  12. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (theory colloquium, pdf),
    University of Erlangen (January 2019)
  1. M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited talk, pdf),
    New Tools for Emergence and Nonequilibrium Physics, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK (December 2018)
  2. M. A. Sentef, Materials Engineering with Light beyond Floquet (invited seminar, pdfabstract),
    Harvard University (November 2018)
  3. M. A. Sentef, Materials Engineering with Light beyond Floquet (invited seminar, pdfabstract),
    Boston University (November 2018)
  4. M. A. Sentef, Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings (Invited, pdfabstract),
    NGSCES 2018, San Sebastian (September 2018)
  5. M. A. Sentef, Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    PNGF VII 2018, Frascati (August 2018)
  6. R. Tuovinen, Transient dynamics in an excitonic insulator: Fast computation of nonequilibrium Green’s functions (pdf, abstract),
    DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Berlin (March 2018)
  7. M. A. Sentef, Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Berlin (March 2018)
  8. G. E. Topp, Nonthermal pathway to antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetals in pyrochlore iridates (pdf, abstract),
    APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles (March 2018)
  9. M. A. Sentef, Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles (March 2018)
  1. M. A. Sentef, Light-induced changes of couplings in materials: Enhanced electron-phonon coupling, reduced Hubbard U (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    Workshop “Ultrafast dynamics and metastability” UDM 2017, Georgetown (November 2017)
  2. M. A. Sentef, Theory of Ultrafast Dynamics in Superconductors (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    Workshop “Itinerant magnetism and superconductivity” IMS 2017, Dresden (September 2017)
  3. M. A. Sentef, Ultrafast Control of Orders and Couplings in Solids (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    645. WE-Heraeus Seminar, Bad Honnef (June 2017)
  4. R. Tuovinen, Time-dependent quantum transport in nanosystems (pdf),
    DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden (March 2017)
  5. M. A. Sentef, Theoretical simulations of pump-probe spectroscopies in solids (Invited, pptx, pdf, abstract),
    DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden (March 2017)
  6. M. A. Sentef, Theory of laser-controlled competing superconducting and charge orders (pptx, pdf, abstract),
    APS March Meeting, New Orleans (March 2017)
  1. M. A. Sentef, Theory of ultrafast dynamics in superconductors (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 1242: Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Condensed Matter in the Time Domain, Kickoff Workshop, Bad Honnef (November 2016)
  2. M. A. Sentef, Theory of laser-driven nonequilibrium superconductivity (Invited, pptx, pdf, abstract),
    New3SC-11, Bled (September 2016)
  3. M. A. Sentef, Light-induced new states of matter in solids: Prospects, concepts, and challenges (pptx, pdf),
    Workshop: Theoretical challenges: simulating materials out of equilibrium, Hamburg (June 2016)
  4. M. A. Sentef, Theory of light-enhanced superconductivity (pptx, pdf, abstract),
    APS March Meeting, Baltimore (March 2016)
  5. M. A. Sentef, Theory of photo-induced Floquet topological states in graphene and beyond (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (February 2016)
  6. M. A. Sentef, Driving Order: Theory of ultrafast dynamics in superconductors (Invited, pdf, abstract),
    SIMES Seminar, SLAC/Stanford (February 2016)
  7. M. A. Sentef, Theory of light-induced Floquet topological states (pptx, pdf),
    CFEL Theory Seminar, Hamburg (January 2016)