Here you find slides and abstracts of presentations given by group members.
- Michael is co-organizer of the KITP Workshop “Quantum optics of correlated electrons” and the KITP conference “Harnessing Quantum-optical Techniques in Solid-state Materials” with Mohammad Hafezi, Martin Claassen and Susanne Yelin (01/2025)
- Michael organized a Mini-Colloquium “Nonequilibrium dynamics and control of quantum materials” with Elsa Abreu and Dante Kennes at CMD31 in Braga, Portugal (09/2024)
- Michael organized a symposium at the DPG Spring Meeting 2023 (with Martin Eckstein)
- Michael organized a set of Focus Sessions at the APS March Meeting 2023 (with Jon Curtis, Margherita Maiuri, Matteo Mitrano)
- Michael organized a very successful MPI-PKS Workshop Dynamical Control of Quantum Materials in May 2023 (with Dante Kennes, James McIver)
- Michael co-organized the VSF Floquet Summer School in September 2023 (with Babak Seradjeh, Luis E. F. Foà Torres), recorded lectures are on YouTube
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, LCLS User Meeting, Stanford, 09/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, IMPACT, Cargese, 08/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, SPIE Optics, San Diego, 08/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, LANL Los Alamos, 08/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, CCMP2024, IOP Liyang, 08/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light, Matter and Entanglement in Quantum Materials (invited talk, PIPT8, Nijmegen, 06/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, OWTNM 2024, Kiel, 05/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Würzburg, 05/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, MRS Spring Meeting, Seattle, 04/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, QuCoLiMa School of Physics, Erlangen, 04/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter interactions and Floquet engineering (invited lectures, QuCoLiMa School of Physics, Erlangen, 04/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, 03/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Physics Seminar, Cardiff, 02/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Cavity light-matter entanglement through quantum fluctuations (invited talk, GRC Progress in Understanding and Controlling the Ultrafast Dynamics in Quantum Materials, Lucca, 02/2024)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, NQW Krvavec, 12/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Northeastern Quantum Matter Seminar, online, 11/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, The alchemy of light (and of the void) — new ways to control quantum materials (Antrittsvorlesung, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Bremen, 10/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited lecture, ct.qmat Second Fall School „Topological Quantum Matter“, Leipzig, 09/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, What does quantum materials research have to do with quantum computing? (invited talk, 1. Bremer Quantentag, Bremen, 09/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, FHI Berlin, 08/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, KAST 7th InterAcademy Workshop, Ascona, 08/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Kiel, 06/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Oldenburg, 06/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Direct optical probe of magnon topology in 2D Quantum Magnets (contributed talk, DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, 03/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From Floquet to cavity engineering (invited talk, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, 03/2023)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials (invited talk, Physics Seminar, Göttingen, 11/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials (invited talk, Solid State Physics Retreat Uni Bremen, Riezlern, 10/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Direct optical probe of magnon topology in two-dimensional quantum magnets (invited talk, ICTS Targeted Questions Workshop, online, 09/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, How to make a room-temperature superconductor with light (postdeadline talk, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, 09/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials (invited talk, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, 09/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials (invited talk, QLCM Dresden, 08/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials (invited talk, NEQMBS Dresden, 08/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter engineering of topology in quantum materials (invited lecture, QDev Summer School, Copenhagen, 07/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials (invited talk, UDM Crete, 06/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials (invited talk, UMD12, Benasque, 05/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials (invited talk, Seminar RIKEN, online, 04/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter engineering of topology in quantum materials (invited lectures, School “Topological Quantum Matter: theory and applications”, Santa Margherita Ligure, 04/2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Light-matter control of quantum materials: From light-induced superconductivity to cavity materials, seminar, TU Munich (via Zoom), (February 2022)
- Michael A. Sentef, Cavity quantum materials from exactly solvable models to designer quantum matter, invited talk, Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability Workshop, Georgetown (via Zoom), (November 2021)
- Michael A. Sentef, Cavity quantum materials, Seminar at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland (September 2021)
- Michael A. Sentef, Cavity quantum materials, TU Dortmund Kolloquium (June 2021)
- Damian Hofmann, Challenges for simulating quantum spin dynamics in two dimensions by neural network quantum states, slides, SPICE Workshop Dissipative Phases of Entangled Quantum Matter (May 2021)
- Mona Kalthoff, Dynamical phase transition in an optically driven 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet, slides, SPICE Workshop Dissipative Phases of Entangled Quantum Matter (May 2021)
- Michael A. Sentef, Cavity quantum materials, slides, Long Range Colloquium, Virtual Science Forum (April 2021)
- Damian Hofmann, Challenges for simulating quantum spin dynamics in two dimensions by neural network quantum states, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
- Mona Kalthoff, Dynamical phase transition in an optically driven 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
- Tao Yu, Optical Manipulation of Domains in Chiral Topological Superconductors, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
- Christian Eckhardt, Parquet approach – the most fundamental diagrammatic method?, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
- Michael Sentef, Quantum to classical crossover of Floquet engineering in correlated quantum systems, slides, APS March Meeting (March 2021)
- M. A. Sentef, Engineering emergent states in quantum materials with classical and quantum light (invited talk, pdf),
DPG Surface Science Meeting (March 2021) - M. A. Sentef, Light-induced superconductivity via dynamical Hubbard U (invited talk, pdf),
SynthQMat Workshop Bremen (February 2021) - M. A. Sentef, Light-induced states of matter from Floquet engineering to cavity materials (pdf),
International Ultrafast Knowledge Coffee House, Hrvoje Petek Group, Pittsburgh (February 2021) - M. A. Sentef, Light-induced superconductivity via dynamical Hubbard U (pdf),
MPQ Group Seminar Immanuel Bloch group (January 2021)
- M. Kalthoff, Nonthermal interacting-magnon dynamics in an optically driven 2D Heisenberg
antiferromagnet (abstract),
CMD2020GEFES (September 2020) - V. Rokaj, 2D Materials in Strong Magnetic Fields: Hofstadter physics from first-principles (abstract),
CMD2020GEFES (September 2020) - M. A. Sentef, Light-induced states of matter from Floquet engineering to cavity materials (invited talk, pdf),
1st PSI Condensed Matter Summer Camp (August 2020) - D. Hofmann, Unitary quantum dynamics in driven spin systems with neural-network quantum states,
Machine Learning for Quantum Simulation: Virtual Conference (June 2020) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited seminar talk, pdf),
MPIPKS Dresden (February 2020) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited seminar talk, pdf),
University of Nijmegen (February 2020) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited seminar talk, pdf),
Aarhus University (January 2020)
- M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium materials science with a twist (theory colloquium, pdf),
DESY/Uni Hamburg Joint Theory Colloquium, Hamburg (October 2019) - G. E. Topp, Topological Floquet engineering of twisted bilayer graphene (pdf),
ParisEdge 2019, Paris (September 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited talk, pdf),
ParisEdge 2019, Paris (September 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited talk, pdf),
CORPES workshop, Oxford (July 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (seminar, pdf),
TCM Cambridge (June 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering: Time-dependent U and beyond (invited talk, pdf),
CECAM workshop “What about U in nanoscale systems?”, Zaragoza (May 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited talk, pdf),
Ultrafast Dynamics and Metastability (UDM) and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics (UBP) workshop, Georgetown (April 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Cavity-enhanced electron-phonon coupling in monolayer FeSe/STO (contributed talk, pdf),
DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg (April 2019) - R. Tuovinen, Ultrafast many-body correlations in an excitonic insulator out of equilibrium (contributed talk, pdf),
APS March Meeting, Boston (March 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Cavity-enhanced electron-phonon coupling in monolayer FeSe/STO (contributed talk, pdf),
APS March Meeting, Boston (March 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (seminar, pdf),
FMQ Stuttgart (January 2019) - M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (theory colloquium, pdf),
University of Erlangen (January 2019)
- M. A. Sentef, Nonequilibrium Materials Engineering (invited talk, pdf),
New Tools for Emergence and Nonequilibrium Physics, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK (December 2018) - M. A. Sentef, Materials Engineering with Light beyond Floquet (invited seminar, pdf, abstract),
Harvard University (November 2018) - M. A. Sentef, Materials Engineering with Light beyond Floquet (invited seminar, pdf, abstract),
Boston University (November 2018) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings (Invited, pdf, abstract),
NGSCES 2018, San Sebastian (September 2018) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings (Invited, pdf, abstract),
PNGF VII 2018, Frascati (August 2018) - R. Tuovinen, Transient dynamics in an excitonic insulator: Fast computation of nonequilibrium Green’s functions (pdf, abstract),
DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Berlin (March 2018) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings (Invited, pdf, abstract),
DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Berlin (March 2018) - G. E. Topp, Nonthermal pathway to antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetals in pyrochlore iridates (pdf, abstract),
APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles (March 2018) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings (Invited, pdf, abstract),
APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles (March 2018)
- M. A. Sentef, Light-induced changes of couplings in materials: Enhanced electron-phonon coupling, reduced Hubbard U (Invited, pdf, abstract),
Workshop “Ultrafast dynamics and metastability” UDM 2017, Georgetown (November 2017) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of Ultrafast Dynamics in Superconductors (Invited, pdf, abstract),
Workshop “Itinerant magnetism and superconductivity” IMS 2017, Dresden (September 2017) - M. A. Sentef, Ultrafast Control of Orders and Couplings in Solids (Invited, pdf, abstract),
645. WE-Heraeus Seminar, Bad Honnef (June 2017) - R. Tuovinen, Time-dependent quantum transport in nanosystems (pdf),
DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden (March 2017) - M. A. Sentef, Theoretical simulations of pump-probe spectroscopies in solids (Invited, pptx, pdf, abstract),
DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden (March 2017) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of laser-controlled competing superconducting and charge orders (pptx, pdf, abstract),
APS March Meeting, New Orleans (March 2017)
- M. A. Sentef, Theory of ultrafast dynamics in superconductors (Invited, pdf, abstract),
Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 1242: Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Condensed Matter in the Time Domain, Kickoff Workshop, Bad Honnef (November 2016) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of laser-driven nonequilibrium superconductivity (Invited, pptx, pdf, abstract),
New3SC-11, Bled (September 2016) - M. A. Sentef, Light-induced new states of matter in solids: Prospects, concepts, and challenges (pptx, pdf),
Workshop: Theoretical challenges: simulating materials out of equilibrium, Hamburg (June 2016) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of light-enhanced superconductivity (pptx, pdf, abstract),
APS March Meeting, Baltimore (March 2016) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of photo-induced Floquet topological states in graphene and beyond (Invited, pdf, abstract),
SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (February 2016) - M. A. Sentef, Driving Order: Theory of ultrafast dynamics in superconductors (Invited, pdf, abstract),
SIMES Seminar, SLAC/Stanford (February 2016) - M. A. Sentef, Theory of light-induced Floquet topological states (pptx, pdf),
CFEL Theory Seminar, Hamburg (January 2016)