Understanding the energy flow in a high-temperature superconductor

Microscopic image of one of the bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide samples the scientists studied using a new high-speed imaging technique. Color changes show changes in sample height and curvature to dramatically reveal the layered structure and flatness of the material. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-12-laser-pulses-scientists-complex-electron.html#jCp
Microscopic image of one of the bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide samples the scientists studied using a new high-speed imaging technique. Color changes show changes in sample height and curvature to dramatically reveal the layered structure and flatness of the material. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory

Our work “Energy Dissipation from a Correlated System Driven Out of Equilibrium” was published in Nature Communications (doi:10.1038/ncomms13761).

Further reading:
Laser pulses help scientists tease apart complex electron interactions
Energiefluss im Supraleiter
Laserpulse helfen Forschern, komplexe Elektronenwechselwirkungen zu entflechten

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